The project “Intercultural Education through Physical Activity, Coaching and Training” (EDU-PACT) tackles the intercultural challenges resulting from consistent migration flows towards Europe. The project aims to improve quality of pre-service and in-service education for sport-related teaching professions, hence preparing teachers and coaches for inclusive education in and through physical education and sport.

In order to reach these goals, a Kick-Off Meeting was hosted by the University of Vienna. The meeting took place from the 19th until 21st of February at the Centre of Sport Science and University Sports in Vienna.

21 representatives - including from ENSE members the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, the University of Southern Denmark, German Sports University and the International Council for Coaching Excellence - attended the Meeting and shared their expertise.

Besides financial and administrative issues, further tasks were discussed and a work plan was outlined. Alongside organizational topics, the Kick-Off Meeting emphasized building a solid foundation for further collaboration.

“I’m looking forward to future meetings and a strong international cooperation”, says Harald Tschan, project coordinator and Head of the Department Training Science at the University of Vienna.

For further information on the project, please contact: edupact (a)

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