Blueprint Project publishes Final Report!

Louis Moustakas
February 22, 2021

After two years of hard work, the Blueprint for Skills Cooperation and Employment in Active Leisure project is officially concluded. The outcome has been to review, test and trial the delivery of a fully quality assured education and training programme for current and future instructors and animators in the Active Leisure sector.

The project focused on developing new skills for current and future workers, for improving employability of young people, and supporting entrepreneurship and growth across the sector. The four main objectives of the project were:

  1. To create an evidence base to identify skills gaps in the active leisure sector.
  2. To promote the benefits of the learning experience and gaining of the qualifications for developing wider skills for employability and personal well-being as well as supporting the growth of the community.
  3. The contribution of active leisure to the employability of young people and the creation of jobs in the sport and active leisure-related labour markets.
  4. To develop a Blueprint for Skills Cooperation and Employment in Active Leisure.

These goals were achieved through a combination of eleven different intellectual outputs, which combine to form the future Blueprint for the Active Leisure sector. You can find the compendium of all outputs here.

In addition, as part of the project, a study on the trends and future skills needed in the sector (Foresight for the Fitness Sector: Results from a European Delphi Study and Its Relevance in the Time of COVID-19) has been published by members of the project.

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