The proportion of physically inactive citizens in the EU remains unacceptably high. 42% of EU citizens do not exercise or play sport at all (2017).

This might indicate that the message about the importance of sport and physical activity for an individual's health and wellbeing has still not got through to significant segments of the EU population. More and more Europeans eat unhealthily and suffer chronically from stress. In the past 50 to 70 years, generations of us did not learn about the health & prevention guidelines, that research is giving us now, so it’s time for a knowledge update. Not only for the consumer, but specially for professionals who work with consumers in the areas of healthcare, sports and lifestyle.

To work toward a solution, more attention should be put into spreading the knowledge and understanding of what is a healthier life: for youth, adults and seniors, and also for people with special health-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, post-cancer treatment or pregnancy. That’s why the European Erasmus+ approved the development of the New Health Program 'Lifestyle/health promoter'. ( name organization ) in ( name country ) is a partner in this project. The Lifestyle/health knowledge center and academy that is being developed will provide scientific information and courses to professionals, volunteers and consumers with easy to obtain, understand and use tools to improve physical activity levels, healthy eating, a health mindset, mind(re)set, positive health and a healthy lifestyle. The partnership, will work together with EuropeActive and the partner countries of the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania and Slovakia, to develop education standards for Lifestyle/health promotor, a free consumer lifestyle platform and Lifestyle/health promotor course and e-learning. They will also conduct research on the role and impact the Lifestyle/health promoter will have on behavioral change of the target groups.

The Lifestyle/health promoter can be a sports professional, healthcare professional, teacher, but also a community worker, member of a sport organization or volunteer. New Health provides them with motivation and knowledge about healthy eating, sports, the risks of unhealthy living and the use of doping. This partnership will create and support a European network of Lifestyle/health promoters. The project coordinator is the New Health Foundation in the Netherlands, partners are Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM): Portugal, EuropeActive: Belgium, Lithuanian Association of Health and Fitness Clubs: Lithuania, Fitness Federation: Belgium, Association Europea Deporte, Ejercicio Y Salud (AEDESA): Spain and Comenius University (Faculty of Physical Education and Sports): Slovakia. The expert panel of the project is is made up of the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE): Austria, Movisie: the Netherlands, Knowledge Center Sports: the Netherlands (KCSportNL), NL Active the Netherlands and Jan Middelkamp: the Netherlands.

On March 5 and 6, the partners of the project met in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for a successful kick-off meeting.

This project is supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, and you can find more information at

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