From April 8 to 11 2019, ENSE, in collaboration with local NGO
RheinFlanke, co-hosted the kick-off meeting of the football3 for all project at the German Sport University in Cologne.

A 3-year project funded through the European Commission's Erasmus+ programme, the project will develop an organisational-level football3 certification as well as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that will allow individuals to access validated football3 education remotely and independently. In this respect, ENSE will play a leading role in the quality control and evaluation of the MOOC and the related certification pathway.

Named after its ‘three halves’ – a pre-match discussion, football game, and post-match discussion – football3 incorporates key life lessons into every match. Played without a referee, the methodology allows participants to set their own rules and resolve their own conflicts, hence promoting dialogue, cooperation and communication. Through the help of an impartial mediator, participants are supported and brought to reflect on their behaviour before and after each match.

The project is coordinated by international football NGO streetfootballworld, and also includes the FARE network (Football Against Racism Europe), Albion in the Community, Balon Mundial, MSIS, INEX - Sdružení dobrovolných aktivit / Fotbal pro rozvoj, Associação CAIS and Oltalom Sportegyesület.

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